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Verb Agreement for Grade 5: A Beginner’s Guide

As students progress through their elementary education, they are introduced to more complex grammar rules and concepts. One such concept is verb agreement, which is a crucial component of effective writing. In this article, we will introduce verb agreement to grade 5 students and provide tips on how to apply it correctly.

What is Verb Agreement?

In simple terms, verb agreement refers to the concept of matching the verb to the subject of a sentence. A verb is a word that describes an action or a state of being. The subject, on the other hand, is the person, place, or thing that performs the action. In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the verb must agree with the subject in terms of number, person, and tense.

Number Agreement

In terms of number agreement, the verb must match the number of the subject. For singular subjects, a singular verb is used, whereas plural subjects require a plural verb. For example:

– The boy runs. (singular subject and verb)

– The boys run. (plural subject and verb)

Person Agreement

The verb must also agree with the person of the subject. In English, there are three persons: first person (I, we), second person (you), and third person (he, she, it, they). The verb changes depending on the person of the subject. For example:

– I am happy. (first person singular)

– You are happy. (second person singular)

– He is happy. (third person singular)

Tense Agreement

Finally, verb agreement also includes tense. Tense refers to the time frame in which an action occurs. There are three main tenses in English: present, past, and future. The verb must match the tense of the subject. For example:

– I play soccer every Saturday. (present tense)

– He played soccer yesterday. (past tense)

– They will play soccer tomorrow. (future tense)

Tips for Applying Verb Agreement

Now that we’ve covered the basics of verb agreement, here are some tips for applying it correctly:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence first. This will help you determine the correct verb to use.

2. Pay attention to the number, person, and tense of the subject. Make sure the verb matches all three.

3. Practice! The more you practice, the easier it becomes to identify and apply verb agreement correctly.

In conclusion, verb agreement is an important concept that grade 5 students should be familiar with. By understanding the basics of number, person, and tense agreement, students can improve their writing and communicate more effectively. With practice and attention to detail, applying verb agreement correctly can become second nature.